Thursday, December 2, 2010

Le Mot Juste Sparkly as a Drag Queen on Ecsasy

The French have an expression: "Le mot juste" a fairly literal translation would be: the right word. It means more than that, though. It implies a certain perfection of phrasing that is almost sublime. It encapsulates the idea better than any other wording could.

I am not certain this is an example or not, but the two ideas have gotten intertwined in my brain. Some words and phrases stick in my mind. "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day..." "Now is the winter of our discontent..." "Alas my love you do me wrong..." "Once upon a midnight dreary..." "I can't believe I ate the whole thing!"

I was at a meeting of Ways of the Earth, a religiously-oriented student organization at a local university. I was no longer a student, but this was a group worth making the commute once a week just to hang with.

One of the other students at the meeting was a twenty-something female who was into belly dance. She had along a costume she was hand-sewing sequins onto. She mentioned that she had an upcoming performance with her belly dance troupe that the costume had to be ready for. Then she uttered the following words: "This thing has to be sparkly. I mean really sparkly. Sparkly like a drag queen on Ecstasy, sparkly."

That phrase "sparkly like a drag queen on Ecstasy" burrowed into my brain there.

Now, when, let's say I look at a display of Christmas lights and tinsel and other sparkly things my internal monologue goes: "Ooh shiny! In fact, it's not just shiny; it's sparkly like a drag queen on Ecstasy."

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