Monday, May 19, 2008

Another Political Rant

I realized something today. I dislike unfairness, injustice, inequality, and inequity. I'm also not a big fan of dishonesty. This may be why I find concepts like anarchism and socialism interesting. They are intended to be a means of making things fair for everyone.

The Democratic Republic with a Capitalist economy is supposed to be the free-est, fairest, best system possible. Yet, unfairness persists. Take the United States of America... please! (rimshot sound effect)

The United States of America is supposed to be founded on the premise that all humanity is created equal, even though it took about a hundred years before the government recognized the created equal status of non-whites and females. Yet certain people within the United states are not equal to others.

Let us assume you have an annoying neighbor. You or I coudln't order a tactical nuclear strike on this annoying neighbor. However, the President of the United States of America, if he found Canada to be an annoynace, could order a tactical nuclear strike against Canada. This is an inequity.

I have never been treated to an expensive dinner by a lobbyist. I hear it happens to congressmen all the time. For me, a fact-finding mission is a trip to the public library using the city's mass transit system, paid for out of my own pocket. For congressmen, fact-finding missions are essentially vacations to five-star resorts on tropical islands, and it's paid for by lobbyists. This is an inequity.

Yeah, I know, we all get a vote to decide who is going to be treated to these privileges. That's a nice idea, but an even nicer idea would be to give them to all of us.

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